The value of Domain name in the online business world

What is domain ?

A domain name is the name that imaging a zone that have an influence in all of the field both in online and offline life. All of the peoples who know about internet can work to make in order that they to be famous. That in the last time could be used to go in direction what they wish. A domain name can become a thing that will be fight by many peoples, and to get a good name, today is very difficult.

Because eveyrone in this planet have the same wanting. If we doing an effort to make business on the internet, the first thing that we have to do is knowing about what the kind of the product or the service that will be sold to public. And the second thing is about the pretty name and also the most short that have a relationship with our business core.And then in the 3 rd step we must know about the keyword or keyword phrase that we can use that have a highest searching level through the search engines, that have related with our business plan that will be used for our domain name.
This matter can be known through by a special tool, such as google adword external tool, or also overture view bid tool, or maybe also through woodtracker, and there are many tools that can be used for this purpose. The 4th step is choose the name that form the most favorite of Top Level domain , such as .com, or net, .biz,. or also .us, etc. The 5th of the step is choose the name by one word or fusion of 2 words, or maybe abbreviate of 5 letters, that will be easy to remembered. And then use our insting and our logical to choose a name. After we have found a pretty name , so we must going to register a domain name immediately at a domain registrar or maybe buy a domain expired, and also maybe we could buy a domain parking that have been parked at the domain parking site d, like, go,, etc.

Today, the domain name is so important in the digital life, so this stuff is must be protected by the rules, and have been made a special market for domain sellers. The business of domain in this markets was have had a big capital or have a large number of circulation of money. This situation was made domain players to be desired. The domain name have been arranged by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), if we want to register a new domain is in the domain registrar or also we can register at the hosting site company that have a reseller program from the registrar company. The individual or the new companies who looking for a good name can find in the domain market such as, go,,, etc The name that earlier just have prize at about $7 can become million dollar prize, if we could know the knowledge about this thing. Even the writer of this article have found that the keyword that have related with the internet domain was have a high value in CPC program.

Truelly, combination of the domain name and the tittle of the site as well as with a good description of the site ,plus the content of the website and also with high value of the keyword are form a big capital of the online business of yours at present and at the future.


Adam said…
very informative!
seems you will be getting good in internet business..good luck!
Miek said…
This articles re-assured me a fair bit. I hope since my domains got the main keywords I want for my site ( buying ) I can get somewhere with it. Lots of competition however!
Also - do you know if that many dashes in the url is highly detrimental? cheers
Blogger said…
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